
Day 9-April 5: Pamukkale

Our bus get to Denizli an hour early. So we are at Denizli bus station at 5:30. Dark and Cold. below 0 C. We do not see the shuttle and do not know what to do..... Good thing we are with other 7-8 people. So everyone helps each other. Se finally find the shuttle to Pamukkale. Well, after all, I finally understand this free shuttle is not really free. it's just some contract travel agency want to get costomer, so they send the shuttle to pick up people. As soon as you get off the shuttle, they will sale you tour packages. Since we have no where to go and do stuff. We paid 50 Lira each for them to take us to Denizli train station with train ticket to izmir. (train to izmir only costs 21 lira and kid 10 lira.) But since we get things done this way, we accept it.