
Reading TEST

This student's Grade Equivalent (GE) score is 1.4. Remington's test performance is comparable to that of an average first grader after the fourth month of the school year.

These scores indicate that Remington is probably beginning to read in a standard way. He is applying basic concepts about print and books to unfamiliar text. He is also beginning to read early reader books. Remington is building his understanding of print through repeated reading of familiar texts and a variety of literature.

At this level, Remington is probably recognizing many new words. He is likely learning to separate words into smaller parts, and to identify beginning and ending consonant sounds and long and short vowel sounds. Remington is probably also learning how to identify simple word parts, such as -at, -en, and -op. Remington is beginning to use his growing knowledge of letter sounds and word structure to gain meaning from print.

For optimal reading groxMh, Remington needs to:
  • Work on mastering basic word attack skills
  • Listen to books read aloud at school and at home daily
  • Have opportunities to read aloud to and with fluent readers
  • Have time set aside at school daily for guided independent reading practice
This student's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) for independent reading is book level 1.4-2.4. If Accelerated ReaderTM reading management software is being used in your classroom or school, Remington should be encouraged to select books

with book levels in the ZPD. These books will provide optimal reading challenge without frustration. The ZPD, however, is approximate. Success at any book level also depends on the student's interest and prior knowledge of a book's content.

The following techniques will also help ensure the students continued growth in reading:
  • Guide reading practice so that Remington averages at least 85 percent on Accelerated Reader Reading Practice
  • Quizzes.
  • Once Remington is able to maintain an 85% average, encourage him to raise his average to 90% or higher. High averages are associated with the greatest reading gain.
  • use Accelerated Reader Reading Practice Quizzes to check listening comprehension of books read aloud.
  • Use Accelerated Reader Reading Practice Quizzes to enhance motivation for reading independently.
  • Use the Accelerated Reader Diagnostic Report and Student Record Report for more detailed information about the student's reading practice.